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Welcome to Day 2 of the ‘Bless the Nation 50 Days of Prayer.’ During this first week our prayer focus is on the Church and other religions. In today’s devotional, Dominee Willem Badenhorst of the Dutch Reformed Church in Moreleta Park, shares some powerful truths that will inspire you to become more active in prayer and that will give you some guidelines of how we should go about it.
Devotional by Ds Willem Badenhorst:
Do you really believe in prayer? I mean, do you really believe in the power of prayer? Because, there is power in prayer. In James 5 verse 16, it says the earnest, the fervent prayer of a righteous man makes tremendous power available. Dynamic in its working. Prayer is dynamite, because we have a God that answers in power. Prayer is the answer. Years ago they asked Billy Graham, Dr Graham, what are the three secrets that you have in your whole ministry of 50 years? And he answered, the first one, the first key principle is prayer. The second principle is prayer. The third principle is also prayer. We can see that prayer is a highlight topic throughout the Scripture.
On the first pages of the Bible, in 1 Kings 18, Elijah stood, and asked and pleaded with God for his people. And God answered his prayer with fire from heaven. Hanna sat three days in desperate fasting and prayer for a son, Samuel. Daniel fasted and prayed for 21 days and opened the windows of his heart for God. And God answered his prayer and moved the direction of the whole of Israel. God answers prayers.
And believe me, believe the Scripture, prayer is a relationship with God. Prayer is not a couple of words in the morning or a couple of words in the evening, prayer is a deep relationship with God. Yes, prayer is words, we have to speak our words, our attitudes, our being to the Lord. Prayer is also silence, and listening. You can see that in Isaiah 30 verse 15. But prayer is also intercession. Like Moses in Psalm 106:23, that he stood before the Lord and he pleaded with God in intercession and God answered his prayer. In these 50 days, please, will you take 30 minutes per day and plead with God for your marriage, for breakthroughs in your own spiritual life, for your workplace, but also for revival. There were many revivals without preaching, without worship, without testimonies, but no revival without prayer. Keep on praying for the nation of South Africa, and God bless you.
Daily Prayer Guide:
BLESSING ON THE CHURCH: 17 -21 April 2017. In the name of Jesus Christ we bless the Church in South Africa: May we be filled with the Spirit, sanctified by truth through the Word of God; may we humble ourselves, pray and seek God’s face and turn from our wicked ways; May we be filled with wisdom and spiritual understanding, walk worthy of our Lord Jesus Christ, bearing the fruit of the Holy Spirit and increase in the knowledge of God; May we be salt and light in our communities and obey the command to go out into the whole world and share the gospel of the kingdom of Jesus Christ with all nations.
PRAYER-WALK: Pray for your own congregation.
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