Steve Lungu | https://youtu.be/PQAD_x1xUDg |
Day 36 – Racism is a result of past conflict, distrust, unresolved pain, and cultural prejudice, etc. To heal us of racism, we need God to work a divine miracle in our hearts. First, we need to come to the understanding that God created all people equal, that He loves all people equally, and that the whole human race is family of each other. If we truly believe that God is the Father of all peoples, then we can believe that all humans on earth belong to His family. Let us pray that God will reveal this great truth to our hearts and ask Him to begin His divine work of loving people of other races, in your own heart on a very personal level.
Acts 17:26, Genesis 10:32, 1 John 4:20
Day 37 – The healing of any relationship needs four steps: Confession of guilt, repentance, forgiveness, and restitution. Our pain in South Africa goes back to the very moment when new tribes migrated onto the hunting grounds and pastures of the First Nations, the San, and the Khoi. The conflict that ensued between all settlers – black vs. black, white vs. white, and black vs. white, increased our guilt and pain. Let us own up to the fact that before God we are all guilty of bloodguilt, injustice, and prejudice. Honestly confess the sins of your tribal family and ask God to give you the grace to forgive the sins of other tribes.
Daniel 9:8, Hosea 4:2, Mar 11:25-26.
Day 38 – True repentance comes from godly sorrow. Godly sorrow is a deep work of the Holy Spirit who breaks your heart because of the pain that was caused. He then proceeds to pour His love into your heart, deposits in you the gift of a peacemaker or bridge-builder and entrusts you with the ministry of reconciliation. Let us ask Him to fill our hearts with godly sorrow. Open your heart to receive His love and accept his gift of peace to make you a peacemaker. Then take up the ministry of reconciliation and let us together bring God’s healing to our land.
2 Corinthians 7:10, Romans 5:5, 2 Corinthians 5:16-19
Day 39 – The most difficult part of racial reconciliation is restitution. Restitution is the fruit of true repentance, beautifully illustrated by the story of Zacchaeus in Luk.19. Restitution is also a fruit of love and forgiveness, that prepares the way for generosity. The First Church in Jerusalem demonstrated how the love between believers caused the mutual sharing of resources, the elimination of poverty and the exponential growth of the Church. It is only the Church who can demonstrate this love between races that is so complete that there is no distinction between Jew or Gentile, slave or free, male, or female (San, Khoi, Afrikaner, Zulu, Xhosa, Sotho, Pedi, Venda, Shangaan, Ndebele, Tswana, Swazi, etc.). Let us ask God to work a miracle in the Church of South Africa to make us truly one Body. Pray that the whole Body of Christ in South Africa will submit to God’s ways and be obedient to Jesus’ command that we should love one another, and even love our enemies.
Acts 4:32-35, John 15:12-17, Colosians 3:9-14
Day 40 – The past forty days we prayed through different aspects of reconciliation and healing for our nation. Today is Good Friday, the celebration of the day our Saviour died for us on the cross, to redeem us from Satan’s bondage, from the slavery of sin and from the fear of death. Let us together lift the Name of Jesus Christ over our nation, South Africa, and declare that the Blood of Jesus is the source of our healing and reconciliation; that the Blood of Jesus will break every curse and bondage; that the Blood of Jesus grants us the forgiveness and cleansing of all our sins; and that the Blood of Jesus guarantees our victory against all principalities and powers that are at work in our nation – Amen.
Galatians 3:13, Matthew 16:18-19, Hebrews 2:14-15, Revelations 12:11