United Prayer for South Africa

“Let us then fearlessly and confidently and boldly draw near to the throne of grace [the throne of God’s unmerited favor to us sinners], that we may receive mercy [for our failures] and find grace to help in good times for every need [appropriate help and well-timed help, coming just when we need it]… Hebrews 4:16 AMP

The Call is to unite as many communities as possible in prayer on the same day for South S.A

                                                  Ps 133:1-3 “Unity – Harmony – Blessing”
                  “Unite the CHURCH (across the denomination and race) – Unite the NATION”

We boldly trust for an even greater eagerness by Christians all across our Nation to engage and be part of Up4SA 2017. During Up4SA 2016, we had more than 170 registered Prayer Points and I am excited to see how that number is going to grow, as we move towards February 2017. There is a definite Prayer movement blowing through our Country with many strong, active and powerful Prayer Networks. The Up4SA prayer team are extremely excited to be part of this National Holy Spirit Prayer movement! Praise the Lord!

Please prayerfully consider becoming part of the Up4SA Initiative, to be held on 26 February (any hour-slot between 14:00 & 18:00), by volunteering as an area coordinator in your community. I do believe that we as the body of Christ have to rise and unite in our communities for a Day of Prayer! This, however, can only happen with passionate volunteering!

We also invite all South Africans to send us a paragraph in writing, stating your prayer, heart and thoughts for our Nation. A collaboration of these “declaration paragraphs” received, will be pre-recorded by Angus Buchan and will be declared out loud by all attendees on the Prayer Day at each venue… A Hope Declaration by the Nation!

Community Leaders, per area, will be leading us in Prayers covering critical core issues in our Country. There will be sufficient time for Corporate Prayer.
We will prepare 5 pre-recorded songs (see attached Invitation) in applicable Audio format to sing on the day of prayer. Communion will be prepared by all participating Churches and tables will be set at the Venue for all attendees.

                                      Some of the critical areas we will cover in prayer are:

Moment of thanksgiving for God’s Love and Grace. Acknowledge that Jesus is our only hope for South Africa – we turn back to God. Revival. Government. The Church – Body of Christ. Institution of                          Family. Draught. Economy. Education.

To volunteer contact us at: admin@up4sa.co.za or 072 083 1371 More information, website: www.up4sa.co.za Facebook.com/up4sa

Up4SA National Coordinator: Robbie Black 082 462 1540

Unite the CHURCH – Unite the NATION 26 February 2017

Up4SA 2017-Info-Invite.pdf