40 Days of Prayer for Healing & Reconciliation: WEEK 3





Nthabiseng Moleko https://youtu.be/rvRtlQLvPvA


Day 15 – Disappointment happens when we have a specific expectation and hope and then it is not met or fulfilled. Ask the Lord to show you where you have placed your expectations in man or institutions. Repent for putting your confidence in flesh, the ability of man, political parties, human systems etc. Declare that from now on You will look to God only as the One who can fulfill your dreams and hopes. Pray that millions of South Africans will recognise that God is the only person who can lead them into fulfillment and joy!
Jeremiah 17:5, Psalm 33:17-22, Psalm 62:1-2,5-8, Hosea 14:1-4

Day 16 –  When we measure our people against the righteous standards of the Word, it is clear that we are blind to the sinful and unrighteous behaviours that have become normalised in our households and communities. Much of our disappointments and lack of hope is the result of our greed and selfishness. This allowed dishonest men to deceive us and lead us in destructive ways. Pray that our eyes will be opened to our own evil desires that fuel wrong behaviours. Repent for putting your hope on unrighteous mammon. Pray that the strongholds of corruption and greed to be broken over our leaders and communities.
Matthew 13:15, 2 Peter 2:1-3, Luke 16:11-13

 Day 17 – Scripture clearly states that when hope is deferred it makes the heart sick. So many in our nation is suffering because of sick hearts. After 1994 all had such high expectations of upliftment, harmony and prosperity. Plead for a healing work of the Spirit to be released into our neighbourhoods and communities in this time. Prophecy hope over the battered hearts of our people, declare dry bones will live! Pray that the enemy would not be able to abuse our wounded hearts to push us away from God and into further sin.
Proverbs 13:12, Proverbs 17:22, Isaiah 61:1, Jeremiah 17:13-17, Jeremiah 33:6

Day 18 – Pray that the people in your community and town, as well as in South Africa as a whole, will turn away from trusting in temporal and earthly things that they will boldly turn to the Lord as their only hope and set their hearts aright to faithfully trust God only for what they need and desire. Unlike man, God does not lie. He fulfills all His promises. Pray that many will come to this revelation in this season, and take hold of the promises of God for themselves, their households and their people groups.
Philippians 1:19-21, Proverbs 78:7-8, Hebrew 6:17-20.

Day 19 – When we do not value what we have, when we are blind to the good things already in our lives we get negative and focus on what we do not have. We get depressed and feel powerless. Let us repent for not living in godly contentment, for being overly focused on stuff and comfort and not recognising the provision and blessings that are already being supplied to us from the hand of God. Pray that God would destroy the entitlement and victim spirit that contaminate so many of us. Thank Him for good things in your life, in your community and the nation.
1 Timothy 6:6-10, Hebrews 13:5,6, Matthew 6:25-34

Day 20 – Pray that God will move in this land to give people a new hope and a new expectation, aligned with His heart and plans for South Africa. Pray that God will anoint men and women to arise with courage and hopefulness as they try to address the difficulties our nation faces on a daily basis. Plead that God would raise up righteous people and institutions that would effectively address poverty and lack of opportunities in our communities. Pray millions to fall on their knees, to intercede and call on the Lord as never before so that the hopeful future in Jesus will be released fully to South Africa, its leaders and its people.
Psalm 31:24, Jeremiah 29:11-14, Psalm 78:7-8

Day 21 – Ask the Lord to have mercy on our nation. Pray that South Africa will be begotten anew to a living hope through the resurrection power of Jesus Christ. Pray that the incorruptible and undefiled inheritance that God has prepared for every people group in our beautiful nation will be realised through the supernatural interventions from heaven. Pray that our people (starting with believers and the Church) will learn to abide, continue, endure and remain in faith, hope and love so that our society may expect from God’s hand things that are exceedingly, abundantly above what we pray or think. Pray for a door of hope to be opened, for godly keys to be released so our nation will fully hope in the redemptive work of Jesus Christ.
Psalm 71:14, Hosea 2:14-16, 1 Peter 1:3-6, 1 Corinthians 13:13, Ephesians 3:20.