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Welcome to Day 47 of the ‘Bless the Nation 50 Days of Prayer.’ It is good for us to recall the dramatic events that took place during that 50-Day period some 2000 years ago. Bishop Bethlehem Nopece, the Anglican Bishop of the Port Elizabeth Diocese, reminds us of Jesus’ last words to His disciples before His Ascension and urges us to consider the implications of these words for us in South Africa today.
Devotional by Bishop Bethlehem Nopece
Greetings from the Bishop of Port Elizabeth and also the City Church in Port Elizabeth. These days of praying together with the wider church “50 days of our prayer” for the country. I am so pleased to have heard of this opportunity of also sharing together from the Word of God. And I am reading from Acts of the Apostles chapter one and I am reading verses 7 and 8. “He answered: It is not for you to know about dates of times which the Father has within His own control. But you will receive power, when the Holy Spirit has come upon you, and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem and throughout all Judea and Samaria, and to the farther most corners of the earth.” Acts 1:7-8. We read thus far.
The Christian church teaches us that God will be known in the world by those who believe in Him by taking the character of God of love and compassion and care into the world in all their actions. Relationships with Jesus Christ is what constitute the core business of who we are. Unless we accept Christ as Lord and Saviour in our lives and unless we surrender our lives completely in commitment to him, then we shall not have power to become His children.
What Jesus said to the disciples before He departed into the heavens to sit at the right hand of God to intercede for us, was that the disciples must be witnesses to His witness, to His love. A saving love and saving love debted by grace, which is an unmerited favour, that God gives to those who believe in Him and therefor I would wish to invite you to be that child of God. A messenger of Christ to witness to His love. He said to bear witness for me in Jerusalem all over Judea and Samaria, unto the farthest parts of the earth.
1) In Jerusalem: -that is our own homes, where we spent more time, our loved ones, our children, our wives, husbands, our relatives. We need to bring them to Christ.
2) But also in Judea and Samaria:- in our streets, next-door neighbours as well as at the places of work where we spent more time.
3) The farthest parts of the earth. South Africa must be saved and South Africa will only be saved when we open our mouths and invite every person we come across, gently in love, with the opportunity God gives us. So that those persons may also experience God’s love. And this happens in the midst of what we are faced with in South Africa today. We need vigilant, committed witnesses.
Three things are essential, which call for fervour struggle, offer freedom from apartheid shackles. It is economic freedom, it is equality, it is disparities of both poverty and unemployment. But above all, it is fellowship with God.
It is our mandate to call people to discipleship of Christ to baptise, teach, nurture them for fellowship with God and good righteous living on earth. In worship of the living God, in witness to His name and the rendering of due season, due service, whatever the call may be. Our service needs a lot of prayer. It needs a good grounding on biblical teaching and also regular worship together with other Christians. Christians must be united. Christians must speak with one voice. Christians must call those leaders that be in our governance in every point of governing function. That they must come to God and that they must make Jesus their King. If this voice is uttered constantly, then God will give us strength to do these things and make South Africa and Africa a better place to live in for all.
To him be all glory, power, majesty, dominion and praise to eternity. May God bless you as you receive His Son, Jesus Christ, for a better living in South Africa and also making better the lives of others who come across your way. God bless you and God continue to do so for a better South Africa. Amen.
Daily Prayer Guide:
God sets the solitary in families; He brings out those who are bound into prosperity; But the rebellious dwell in a dry land. (Ps.68: 6, NKJV)
In the name of Jesus Christ, we bless single and lonely people, widows and widowers. May they know the companionship of friends and family, may the Lord provide in all their needs, comfort their hearts and heal their wounds. We pray that families and churches will reach out to single people and provide for them a “home”. We pray for people who are suicidal because of loneliness and depression and ask that they will be discovered, comforted and loved.
PRAYER-WALK/DRIVE: Walk through your shopping mall or public parks and walkways. Notice those people who are sitting on their own. Talk with them and pray the priestly blessing over them: “The LORD bless you and keep you; The LORD make His face shine upon you, And be gracious to you; The LORD lift up His countenance upon you, And give you peace.” Num.6: 24-26, (NKJV).
PRAY for estranged or depressed and suicidal family members, for gays and lesbians.
INTERCEDE for the salvation of perpetrators: rapists, paedophiles, abusers, domestic violence offenders, adulterers, etc.
Today, when you hear His voice, do not harden your hearts, but be compelled by the love of Jesus. In Jesus name. Amen
# 50 Days to Bless the Nation
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