Bless the Nation 50 Days of Prayer: Day 03

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Welcome to Day 3 of the ‘Bless the Nation 50 Days of Prayer.’ We continue during this first week with the prayer focus on the Church and other religions. Pastor Louis Els, from Victory Christian Church in Jeffreys Bay encourages us to follow Jesus’ example of intimacy with His Father through prayer and then leads us as we pray God’s purposes over our nation.

Devotional by Pastor Louis Els:

In Luke 11 v1 the Disciples came to Jesus and asked, “Lord will You please teach us to pray.” They were realizing as they were busy with ministry, trying to get people delivered, the sick healed, that Jesus spent time with the Father and they kind of gathered that it was time with God that released grace and power and anointing. Jesus spent time with God because as He spent time with God He did what He always taught the disciples around Him. I never do anything nor do I say anything unless the Father says it or tells me to do. Prayer is an invitation for us to commune with God. It’s a wonderful opportunity for us to understand how Kingdom privileges as citizens. If we don’t understand the Kingdom and the right to ask so that God’s Kingdom can come, prayer becomes a religious activity. It becomes a boring thing, a thing that takes our time, it’s a discipline and a drag and never a delight. God is inviting us, He is saying to us listen my desire for you is to come and ask in Jesus Name and when you ask Him in line with My will with My purpose. The Bible says that. Many are the plans of a man, but it’s the purpose of God that prevails. Remember at this time as we pray especially for our nation that we are not just asking God to bless our plans for God is not so interested in our plans as He is to fulfil His purposes in your life, my life, our families, your business and in this nation.

Father, we pray that we will know your purpose with this nation. When we pray, God intervenes and God causes His Kingdom to come. Come South Africa, let’s pray. Let’s stand together. The Bible says come and make petition. When we do that on behalf of a nation, when we humble ourselves and say to God, God I don’t know what to do. That’s the other part of prayer that we acknowledge that we need God. We need God because we don’t know how to do it. We can’t govern ourselves, we can’t bring prosperity, we can’t look after one another, we can’t. It’s God that moves on hearts, on people gives us purpose and plans and a nation changed. The Bible says when God moves on a nation then righteousness comes. And when righteousness prevails a nation will rejoice. Come South Africa lets pray, let’s call on God and allow Him to bring His Kingdom into our situation.

Bless you in Jesus Name.

Father I pray that we come before You as a nation, we pray and say Father we need You, we need for You to intervene in every facet from government to families, to every individual, that this nation will know the glory of God. You say a promise in Your word “In the last days You will pour out your spirit and will let the whole world see Your glory. Father I pray that You will make yourself famous in our midst, in this moment in time of South Africa in Jesus Name. Amen.

Daily Prayer Guide:

FOCUS YOUR BLESSING ON: Pastors, ministers, reverends, priests, prophets, apostles, evangelists, missionaries, spiritual leaders, elders, deacons, members of the Body of Christ, etc.
Pray Ephesians 1:17-22;

PRAYER-WALK: Other churches in your area